Upay for Rahu Dosh is available to our astrologer, one who suffering under the influence of Rahu Planet from negativity and miseries in life. Some person visits knower of astrology to cure the Rahu Doha but these days it is difficult to find one expert astrologer to remove and control the bad effect of Rahu Dosh. According to old scriptures in Hindu religion many people who suffer sudden tragedies and unwanted outcomes after doing a hard work, is because of they are in the influence of Rahu -Ketu or Saturn planet Dosh in their Horoscope. While every human being is afraid of the Rahu Doha, other side astrologer Baba Ji is offering this service for the Upay for it.
Upay for Rahu Dosh
Those people and home, which are under the power of Rahu Planet will face the most unwanted situation occurring in their normal life. Those people will be debarred from love, happiness, ecstasy, and peace. A home under Rahu Doha will confront rivalry and minor fights among family members that will cause them to lose peace and love from the house. However, it is not an issue anymore; you can avoid this situation using our astrologer’s service “Upay for Rahu Dosh” as followed by. Baba Ji is going to describe some tips that will help you in fighting with Dosh and maintain the peace in family and home. To cure any diseases first you need to understand the symptoms of the illness and then visit the person who knows about astrology tricky ways to solve the Rahu Dosh.
- Rahu Dosh causes a great conflict with people who are in living in the ages of 38 to 45 years.
- If you are observing the dust and dirt in your home that is always stumbled into your house, which may the reason of Rahu Dosh.
- A person under the Rahu Dosh will seem like physically weak and continuously decreasing the physical and he will lose temper on every small argument that may cause breakups in relationships.
- The mysterious fear of losing and fear of devils also, because of Rahu Dosh.
Upay for Rahu Dosh is very simple to adopt in your daily life and you can use these methods as remedies to cure the Rahu Dosh and arrange some Jadu Tona in the presence of astrolger. Assemble some Mishri or crystallized sugar lumps, black lentils, gemstone stone, especially Gomed stone, and some peace of silver in a small white fabric. Now you should hang this assembled item at your entrance of the house or you can bury at the entrance to cure the Rahu Dosh.
Upay for Rahu Mahadasha
Upay for Rahu Mahadasha will help a candidate in removing the Rahu Mahadasha from one’s birth chart. A person who born under the Rahu mahadasha will face many problems in his or her life and without curing this Mahadasha it is hard to be normal and happy. The problem in solving the Rahu Mahadasha is that people do not recognize the symptoms of Rahu Mahadasha, but one use the service of astrology to cure the mahadasha will be free from these Dosha.
- Most of the time Rahu Mahadasha may occur because of Pitra or your ancestors, when they feel disturbed in the planet they are living it also affects their descendents and you can cure it by donating food to poor and weak children and offer prayers to Rahu on every Saturday.
- Rahu Dosha will make your house a place where happiness and peace do not exist, so you should name your house after your ancestors such as by Grandfather’s name or your father’s name, avoid naming after your name your house will also behave like Upay for Rahu Mahadasha.
Upay for Rahu Antardasha
Rahu’s Antardasha survives for at least 18 years in one’s horoscope chart. Rahu Antardasha may give you auspicious or ominous results depending upon the attitude of the Rahu planet. The symptoms of Rahu Antardasha are as follows and after knowing these symptoms you can cure this Dosha easily.
- You will out of your mind, stop listening to others, and behave like a maniac and a lunatic person who has no control over his or her emotions and thinking power.
- Your family members may suffer from incurable and dangerous illness mostly ones’ wife.
The remedies are available to astrologer Baba Ji and one can cure it by contacting him and ask for the solution to solve it permanently. The Upay as described in the further steps: Donate black lentils, seeds of sesame plant, wear blue clothes, use black blanket etc. can avoid the Rahu Dosha.
Pooja for Rahu Graha
Some people who want to execute a Vedic Pooja for Rahu, is like those love spells that cures the black magic symptoms and they can contact Baba Ji and bring the harmony among family members, which was disturbed because of Rahu Graha. Pay for Rahu Dosha includes the Feeding of sugar to ants and milk to snakes.
An astrologer will provide you some mantras and Prasad after the Pooja that will generate the vibrations of the universe to destroy the Rahu Graha Dosha permanently. This Rahu Graha mantra will help you in curing it and spread the positive energy in your house.