Sautan Se Chutkara
Sautan Se Chutkara
The foundation of the relationship between husband and wife is based on loyalty. When two persons tie a marital knot, they become life companions of each other and start a new life as a couple. Any relationship is based on loyalty but when a third party comes into the picture, the bond of love between husband and wife weakens.
If your husband is having some extra marital affairs with another women and you want to end that extra marital affairs of your husband, then you should do the following remedies-
1) Kaner is a common plant which is easily found in India. Pluck the flowers of this plant, grind them and make a paste out of it. Without telling the purpose of it to anyone, apply the tilak from such paste on your husband’s forehead. He will immediately leave the other lady.
2) When your husband comes home from the house of that other lady, get any clothes of him, like handkerchief, t-shirt, vest, underwear, etc and Burn it without telling anyone. Get the ash from such burnt cloth and throw it outside your house. After throwing it outside, rub the ash on your feet and then come back to your home. Be careful while you are returning and do not look back.
3) This remedy should be done on any Thursday. The following ingredients are needed for this remedy-
Besan ladoo- 300 grams
Wheat Dough- 3 balls
A small quantity of soaked black chana
All the above mentioned ingredients should be then taken by you to feed a cow, who is nursing calves.
After feeding the cow, you should pray to cow by folding your hands. The cow then, after getting the nourishment, should bless you and must end the extra marital affairs of your husband..
Sautan Se Chutkara
Sautan Se Chutkara
4) This remedy is a simpler one and must be performed on the night of any Sunday. All you have to do is to spread the kumkum, which you use everyday, on the side of the bed where you husband sleeps. In the morning, after taking the bath, you have to take some of that kumkum and fill your maang with it while taking the name of Parvati Mata.
5) In this remedy, you have to light up a kapoor while going to sleep at night. This remedy must be practiced with full faith and can be carried out on any day.
6) In this remedy, you have to write all the letters of the name of that woman with whom your husband is having an affair with, on a lotus seed. You should then burn that seed to ashes. Getting Back Your Lover